Surya Namaskar: The Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar : The Sun Salutation Surya Namaskar, known as Sun Salutation, it is a series of yoga poses that are performed in a flowing sequence. Surya Namaskar is a powerful way to connect with the sun's energy and improve your overall health and well-being. Sun Salutation is believed to have originated in India thousands of years ago. It was originally a way to pay homage to the sun god, Surya. However, over time, Surya Namaskar has evolved into a more secular practice that is enjoyed by people of all faiths. There are many different variations of Surya Namaskar, but the most common one consists of 12 poses. The poses are performed in a specific sequence, and each pose has a different meaning. For example, the first pose, called Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute), is a gesture of offering to the sun. The second pose, called Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), is a pose of surrender. Surya Namaskar is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. Surya Namaskar can ...