How to Do Trikonasana with Benefits and Alignment Tip

A COMPLETE GUIDE TO TRIANGLE POSE (TRIKONASANA): BENEFITS, STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE, AND PRECAUTIONS One of the fundamental standing postures in yoga is Trikonasana, which is also known as Triangle Pose. The word "Trikonasana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "trikona" meaning triangle and "asana" meaning pose. The posture is known as the Trikonasana as while performing this, the body looks like a triangle, with one leg extended out to the side and the other foot firmly grounded. The torso is then tilted sideways, allowing one hand to reach the floor or a block while the other arm extends upward, forming a straight line. Trikonasana and Its Significance in Modern Lifestyle Trikonasana is greatly necessary for modern lifestyles due to its numerous benefits that address common issues faced in today's sedentary and stressful routines. The asana also resolves the issue that occurs by sitting for longer periods, such as tight hips and lower back pain, by stre...