Yoga poses for Back Pain

Rishikesh Yog Temple - Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh

Best Easy Yoga poses for Back Pain

Our spines are an incredible combination of strength and flexibility – of Sthira and Sukha. Strong bones and large muscles give us structure and protect sensitive nerves, while flexible ligaments and tendons allow the spine to move in all different planes.

With regular backbends, we can help to protect this balance by increasing mobility while strengthening the supporting muscles around the skeleton.

First, we have to perform warm-up, after warm-up we have to work on our spine in all different directions. Posture like Cat-Cow Variations, Gentle Twists, and Side Bends. Sun Salutations are great preparation as they warm the whole body – go easy on your first one so that when you go through Cobra or Upward Facing Dog you’re not coming into the full expression of the pose straight away.

Backbends are also front body stretches – so they benefit from open and relaxed hips and surrounding muscles including the top of the thighs (quadriceps), hip flexors, and the psoas.

Here are some yoga poses:


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