How to Do Warrior A (Virabhadrasana I) with Benefits
Virabhadrasana I (Warrior Pose A)
According to, Indian Hindu mythology, Vira means warrior or hero and Bhadra means auspicious or friend while asana means posture.
Virabhadrasana is a company known as the warrior pose.
Virabhadra was created to destroy Daksha, the son of Bharma. According to history, Virabhadra is an incarnation of Lord Shiva, Dhaksha Father of Sati opposed the marriage with Shiva and cut ties with her in the family. Eventually, Sati killed herself, and her body was shared into 52 places and now they are known as Shakti Peti. Once among the 52 Shakti Peti that is located in the foothills of the Himalayas is The Kunjapuri Temple at Rishikesh. Virabhadra was created in grief to take revenge for Devi Sati.
We Have a Series of Virabhadrasana or Warrior Series Which Includes 5 Postures.
Warrior A or Virabhadrasana I
Warrior B or Virabhadrasana II
Warrior C or Virabhadrasana III
Humble Warrior or Baddha Virabhadrasana
Reverse Warrior or Parsva Viparita Virabhadrasana
Virabhadrasana is a series of standing postures that are practiced in all styles of Yoga. In Astanga, we practice a few postures in the sun salutations, while in vinyasa these are created in sequence to modify flows. While the benefits are to improve your inner strength and power. Join our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Rishikesh Yog Temple to know about Yoga.
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Benefits of Virabhadrasana I (Warrior Pose A)
- Strengthening of Legs
- Opening of Hips and Chest
- Concentration
- Improves balance
- Surrender
- Improves circulations
- Improves respiratory problems
- Boost energy
- Helps fight fatigue
- Counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting
Muscles that stretch in Warrior A or Virabhadrasana
- Arms
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Ankles
- Legs
Beginner’s Guide
The Greatest Challenge in this posture is to maintain the bend in the front knee. But always remember to listen to your Body. The goal of any posture is to not get into the posture but actually to feel the posture. Always remember to square your hips but placing your behind foot towards the edge of the mat. If you have a lower back issue loosen the back of the front knee which will lessen the compression in the lumbar region.
How To Perform Virabhadrasana I or Warrior A
- From Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), grip your hands and now slowly open your left toes to a 45-degree angle along with the right foot moving forward towards the right wrist.
- Place your right foot next to your right wrist on the mat and now your left foot is placed at 45 degrees.
- Bend your front knee 90 degrees. Notice that your thigh should be approximately parallel to the floor, Knee is placed above the ankle in a straight line.
- Align your left heel in such a way that your hips are square to the front of the mat. Place your feet slightly wider for more stability.
- While you’re in the poste pull your left tight bone back so your left knee is straight and has a stretch.
- Once the base is strong, Inhale and raise your hands above your head while your hands are shoulder distance apart.
- Palm facing each other. Rotate your biceps back and firm the triceps.
- Open the chest up and shoulder blades away from your spine but towards the armpits.
- Now sync into the posture deeper, you may join your palms together and gaze at your thumbs.
- Remember to keep pressing the inner arch of the foot while pressing your tailbone toward the floor.
- Restrain from touching your lower belly to the right thigh.
- Hold 8-10 Breaths.
- Remember to breathe and feel like a warrior.
- Slowly release your hands by placing them on the floor, step back into a downward-facing dog, and perform the same sequence on another side.
Preparatory Poses
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
High Lunge
Parsvottanasana (Intense Side stretch)
Counter Poses
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose)
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